We thank you for using our products and services. The Services will be provided by SABIÁ, an initiative that is the result of a partnership between the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and the Ministry of Health's Secretariat for Work Management and Health Education (SGTES).
The SABIÁ concept is simple: with just one registration (generating login and password) you can quickly and easily access all the permanent education offerings available at AVASUS - Free and Open Health Knowledge, in the Health Evidence Based Portal (SBE Portal) and in the Community of Practice. Just a single ID number and a single password to access all these platforms without having to create an account on each one of them.
By using our services, you are agreeing to these terms. Read them carefully.
Bearing in mind the diversity of services, additional terms of specific service requirements may apply. The additional terms will be available with the relevant services and will become part of our agreement if you use these services.
The use of SABIÁ is conditioned to the acceptance of fulfillment of this Term of Services and the Conditions of Use by the individuals that will access it.
To use our services, you must: (a) carefully read the terms described below; (b) expressly agree with them; and (c) register to provide the valid data needed to access as an USER. These terms present legal and administrative requirements so that you (USER) may have access to applications that require your identification.
The acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use is utterly indispensable to the use of SABIÁ, requiring identification, as well as all the other policies and principles that govern each of them. That way, when using this service, you agree to the terms and conditions described herein.
If you disagree with the Terms, you may continue to have access to the SABIÁ network integrated applications that do not require registration and login, and may at any time via our technical support explain your reasons. In this way, any doubts can be clarified and the current Terms progressively improved.
This Term of Use applies strictly to the use of SABIÁ, as well as the integrated services, and do not change the terms and conditions of any other specific term of the applications and sites involved.
These terms of use may be modified or additional terms may be applied to a specific service to meet law changes or changes to our Services. The changes will be widely communicated and you can consult the terms at any time.
These terms govern the relationship between SABIÁ and you. They do not create any rights for third parties. If you do not comply with these terms and we do not take immediate action, this does not mean that we are foregoing any rights we may have (such as making future arrangements). If a particular condition of these terms is not performable, this will not harm any other terms.
1. Acceptance of the terms of use
1.1. The purpose of these Terms of Adhesion and Conditions of Use of the services offered by SABIÁ is to regulate the use of the services, in accordance with Laws No. 12.965, of April 23 2014- Civil Internet Framework (Marco Civil da Internet); and Law No.12.527, of November 18, 2011- Law on Access to information (Lei de Acesso à informação).
1.2. SABIÁ is the result of a partnership between Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, the National Health Council, the United Network (Rede), the Government Health Collaborative Network from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and the Secretariat of Work Management and Health Education (SGTES) of the Ministry of Health. The general coordination of SABIÁ is carried out by United Network (Rede Unida) with the collaboration of the other participants through periodic summits.
1.3. Through the SABIÁ service, Sabiá provides user authentication for integrated services related to SABIÁ. These services are currently: Communities of Practice, Evidence Based Health Portal and the Virtual Learning Environment of the Unified Health System (AVASUS). All of these services, and others that may be added, follow the general rules established in this Term, as well as other specific rules defined by the providers of each application.
1.3.1. SABIÁ’s management reserves the right to change, add or update any terms of conditions contained in this Agreement at any time and in its sole discretion. The continued use of the services offered after the publication of the changes will constitute acceptance of such changes. It is recommended to consult this Term whenever you access the services.
1.4. SABIÁ uses personal data provided by the USER, consulted in other sources and associates its integration with the services included to the data register of the USERS. By accepting this term, the USER is authorizing the use of his personal data by SABIÁ for the purposes described, in addition to those contained in the privacy policy.
1.5. SABIÁ allows the USER to provide its own intellectual papers of your own contribution, as well as interact with third parties’ works. By making a work available on a service or product that is part of the SABIÁ network, the USER will be licensing non-commercial copyrights to use the work in a total, non-exclusive, definitive, universal, irrevocable and irreversible way to SABIÁ and its products or services without any temporal or territorial limitation and without any payment having to be made to the USER, including Brazil and foreign countries, in particular the rights of public availability and communication of the work, in any environment or vehicle, as well as the rights of reproduction, exhibition, execution, declamation, exposition, archiving, inclusion in database, preservation, diffusion, distribution, disclosure, loan, translation, inclusion in new works or collections, modification and transformation of the paper, reuse, editing, production of didactic material and courses or any mean of non-commercial use.
1.6. The services offered will not involve any gains for the USER, except for the costs involved in connecting to the internet, whose responsibility will be requested for the USER himself. Likewise, there will be no advantage or reward to the USER for the information, works and data enabled at the system and the provision of them were to be made by SABIÁ or integral services and by the institutions responsible for SABIÁ at any time.
2. SABIÁ's Description
2.1 SABIÁ, through SABIÁ, collects and stores personal, curricular and educational data of the users, necessary to fulfill its objectives.
2.2. The bases that can be integrated by SABIÁ to aggregate the individual information are:
3. Password and Security
3.1. The USER’S password is obtained by self-registration at SABIÁ, with the association of your identity with an e-mail validated by sending a confirmation link of registration.
3.2. The USER declares that he / she is responsible for the safe keeping and the confidentiality of his / her password, in addition to being fully responsible for all and any activity, launch and registration of information that occurs under the use of it.
3.3. Before having access to the consultation of the personal data registered, the USER will have his identity verified by the conference of login data informed with those contained in the bases mentioned above;
3.4. The USER is responsible for immediately notifying SABIÁ’s staff about any unauthorized uses of his password or security breaches of which he is aware.
3.5. SABIÁ, its integrated products and services, will not be responsible for any loss that may occur as a consequence of unauthorized use of your password, with or without the knowledge of the USER.
3.6. To protect the confidentiality of your password, it is recommended to the USER:
4. Sharing Information
4.1. All personal and curricular information informed in SABIÁ may be available for academic and administrative management purposes to all the institutions that participate in SABIÁ, only under express use of the user when entering specific platforms of these partners. The USER identification information will not be disclosed, except with express authorization from the USER.
4.2. For administrative purposes, SABIÁ may provide aggregate curricular and professional information of users to other public bodies of the Unified Health System, The Union, States, Municipalities and Federal District, safeguarding the commitment not to publicly display private information, unless expressly authorized according to item 4.1.
5. User’s Behavior and Obligations
5.1. As condition of using Sabiá, the USER agrees to:
5.2. In the applications where you can post messages, such as forums, chats, communities of practice, virtual panels, among others, consider the respect to opinions and contributions of all participants. It is forbidden to publish the same content in different forums in the form of ‘’spam’’. Violation of the rules of conduct, as well as posts that violate the general rules of conduct may be deleted or made non-viewable by other participants in the activity by any moderator. Insisting in violating the rules of conduct may lead to the termination of the SABIÁ USER or the suspension of access.
6. Behavior and Obligations of the SABIÁ
6.1. SABIÁ reserves the right to:
6.2. SABIÁ shall not be responsible for false or inaccurate statements provided by the USER that may cause harm to third parties, the Public Administration in general or the service itself.
7. The USER may be requested to adhere to the Terms of Use with specific SABIÁ service rules. Any rule must be submitted before starting using the service, and may be requested to revoke the membership by the user at any time, preserving the consequences of the use during the period of membership.
8. Applicable Legislation
8.1. It applies to this Term, and to the responsibilities contained therein, all pertinent federal legislation.
Porto Alegre, march 21, 2016
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